College Requirements

Essential Functions by Program

Essential Functions

根据美国残疾人法案, 在执行教育政策时,365365体育在线投注不会因残疾而歧视学生, admission policies, 学生资助和其他学院管理的项目,而不是其教职员工的雇佣. 概述的技能是365365体育在线投注课程的基本要求. 在校生和毕业生将被期望在有或没有补偿技术的帮助下满足这些标准, 辅助装置或其他合理的设施. 未来的学生被邀请与招生管理主任或招生顾问会面,讨论有关这些要求的任何潜在问题.

Essential Functions by Program:

Associate of Science in Radiography (ASR)
Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN)
Diagnostic Medical Sonography (DMS)
Doctor of Nursing Practice – Post-Graduate (DNP)
Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
Master of Science in Nursing (MSN)
职业治疗理学硕士(MS in OT)
Medical Imaging (MI)
Medical Laboratory Science (MLS)
Public Health (PH)


CastleBranch Health Records


Allen College uses a third-party company, CastleBranch, 简化所需材料的文件跟踪, including health records, CPR, criminal background checks, etc. CastleBranch保证参与者的机密性和持续的文件访问.


Questions regarding the CastleBranch system: or (888) 723-4263

Questions concerning requirements: Melissa.McNeal@csaaiir.comor (319) 226-2014

CastleBranch Instructions 

How to Place an Order

Reference Guide

Submitting Documents

Training Station by Cornerstone

UnityPoint Health (UPH) Training Station by Cornerstone

UnityPoint Health (UPH) Training Station by Cornerstone是一个学习管理系统,用于在365365体育在线投注(Allen College)提供内部学生培训模块. UPH Training Station by Cornerstone不应与Blackboard或ATI测试混淆. 


Questions contact: or (319) 226-2011.

Course Delivery Methods 

365365体育在线投注提供多种形式的课程. 他们可以提供完全在线,混合或混合,增强,或面对面. To get in-depth definitions of course delivery methods,请查阅365365体育在线投注政策图书馆的课程定义.



Allen College courses, whether online, hybrid, or face-to-face, 需要特定的技术来完成概述的需求. Technologies may include software, such as Adobe Reader, hardware, such as speakers, subscriptions and plug-ins. 上面提供了有关最低技术要求的一般信息. 个别课程也将概述必要的技术.


Technology Requirements

Minimum Technology Requirements

Technology Requirements

365365体育在线投注的学生必须达到最低的技术要求才能成功完成在线和混合课程. The Allen College Computer Lab 24小时向学生开放,并包含24台符合最低技术要求的电脑.

Please contact David Wu at at (319) 226-2054 if you need help in obtaining, installing or using any of these technologies, 或者如果你在使用这些技术时遇到问题.

Minimum Technolgy Requirements: 

Up-to-date personal computer or laptop

Reliable internet connection

Microsoft Office 365 (Provided by Allen College)

  • As an Allen College student, 你可以使用Office 365,它最多可以安装在五台不同的机器上. To install the products, go to:并使用您的365365体育在线投注电子邮件凭证登录. 系统可能要求您使用多因素身份验证来登录. After signing in, 单击位于屏幕右上角的Install Office链接. 这将启动Word的下载和安装产品, PowerPoint, Excel, as well as other products. 如果您在登录时遇到任何问题,请致电1-(800)681-2060与IT服务中心联系.
  • 该许可确实允许您访问One Drive以及共享点, 但毕业后你将失去使用Office 365许可的权限. Because of this, 建议将创建的所有文件保存到本地计算机, jump drive or other cloud-based service. 
Speaker to hear recorded lectures

Internet browser; Firefox, Chrome, Edge for PC or Safari for Mac

  • 如果您有浏览器问题:请尝试不同的浏览器. 对于个人电脑,建议使用Firefox或Google Chrome以获得最佳性能.

Printer or access to a printer

  • 365365体育在线投注提供了四台打印机供学生使用. Two are available 24/7 in the computer lab, one is in the Barrett Forum Library, and the other is in Winter Hall.


  • Panopto
  • YouTube
  • Turnitin
  • ExamSoft
  • Collaborate Ultra
  • Adobe Reader

Please note that other possible technologies, such as Epocrates, 订阅(例如明日教授之类的免费电子邮件列表), Faculty Focus and the like), plug-ins, etc. may be required in specific courses. 365365体育在线投注获得这些技术的资料将在个别课程中提供.

Computer Skills

Minimum Computer Skills Required 

所有365365体育在线投注的课程都包含一个网络组件. 因此,最低限度的计算机技能和能力是成功的必要条件.

无论学习计划或课程形式如何, 365365体育在线投注建议学生具备以下计算机相关技能:

  • 使用各种学院和卫生系统认可的软件应用程序创建计算机文档.
  • Cut, copy and paste text
  • 将文件保存在个人电脑或便携式存储设备上(例如.g., memory stick; flash-, jump- or thumb drive)
  • 从存储位置检索和打开文档
  • Print documents
  • Navigate the Internet using a web browser (e.g., Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari)
  • Use a learning management system (e.g., Blackboard or Evolve)
  • Use the Allen College email system
  • Attach documents to Allen College emails
  • Use the search engines and follow online links (e.g. Google, EBSCOhost , etc.)
  • 遵循Allen College和UnityPoint Health列出的所有网络安全指南

可能缺乏必要的计算机相关技能的学生可以考虑在当地的社区学院或大学学习一门课程. 学生亦可联络教学科技专员吴大伟(索取有关培训资源的进一步协助.